Will My Biodegradable Swimsuit Deteriorate While I’m Wearing It?
The question almost everyone immediately asks us about our ethically made, fully biodegradable swimsuits is, “will it degrade and fall off me as I’m wearing it, or if it comes in contact with water or other elements?”
We’ve definitely checked, and nope! :)
In fact, I, Jordyn, still love and wear my very first design, now three years old! The suit is still in excellent condition, with no colour fading, no deterioration, and still a ton of life left in it.
But wait. How can it be both super long-lasting AND fully, quickly biodegradable? The two don’t seem to be particularly compatible, do they?
This is why we’re so excited about the product pieces we’ve created at JORDYN LEAH SWIM - you get the absolute best of both worlds!
When you purchase a JORDYN LEAH SWIM piece, you’ll receive a gorgeous, comfortable, and long-lasting swimsuit you’ll love to wear for all of your sun-soaked adventures. Once you want to retire that piece and choose a new one (or just add additional pieces for some fashion choice variety!); well, this is the point where the ‘biodegrading’ kicks in.
When it’s time to retire your JORDYN LEAH SWIM piece(s), the fabric they’re made of react to the soil composition and gasses emitted in landfills to immediately activate the decomposition properties of the fabric. Within the first year, the piece is 50% decomposed and within three years, it’s fully, absolutely, completely vanished from all existence.
This rate of decomposition is faster than conventional fabrics by a factor of at least ten, and that means there’s big ripple-effect benefits, with a key one of these being that there’s a huge increase in the productivity level of the landfill, which means that this decreases the expansion of the landfill to preserve green areas.
With enough choices in fashion purchases made in favour of items designed and produced ethically, sustainably, and with full, rapid degradation capabilities, the effects will add up in a positive way just as quickly as the practice of fast fashion has resulted in such a detrimental impact for our earth.
We are so proud and excited to be an ethical fashion label leading the way toward a high-quality, sustainable, and ethical style future for every beautiful body and soul.
So there you have it! Wear JORDYN LEAH SWIM with assurance for as long as you would any other swimsuit, and only when you’d like to retire the suit will it begin to rapidly degrade.
Are you ready to wrap your beautiful body and soul in JORDYN LEAH SWIM for your next sunlight adventure? Head over to our shop to see which of our designs you want to try first!
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